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Audit Quality and Documentation


ISA 220 (Revised) was revised to strengthen and modernise an audit firm’s approach to carrying out quality audits. It sets out the
specific responsibilities of the auditor regarding quality management at the engagement level and the related responsibilities of the engagement partner.

ISA 230 sets out the auditor’s responsibility to prepare audit documentation for an quality audit of financial statements, namely
the record of audit procedures performed, relevant audit evidence obtained, and conclusions reached. Appropriate audit documentation, albeit does not guarantee quality, plays an important contributing role in determining Audit Quality.

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Audit of Related Parties, Going Concern, Subsequent Events and Completion Procedures

Professional and technical competency is one of the corner stone of the audit profession. As adequate job knowledge is vital for any audit staff to perform their task effectively and efficiently, professional accounting bodies have made professional competency mandatory for its members. Auditing standards and auditing manuals have also provided guidance for auditors to perform their audit in a proper manner.

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Audit of Assets-PPE, Inventories, Investment Properties, Investments, Receivables & Impairment of Assets

Professional and technical competency is one of the corner stone of the audit profession. As adequate job knowledge is vital for any audit staff to perform their task effectively and efficiently, professional accounting bodies have made professional ompetency mandatory for its members. Auditing standards and auditing manuals have also provided guidance for auditors to perform their audit in a proper manner.

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Performing Test of Controls, Substantive Procedures, Including Sampling Approach and Analytical Procedures

Professional and technical competency is one of the corner stone of the audit profession. As adequate job knowledge is vital for any audit staff to perform their task effectively and efficiently, professional accounting bodies have made professional competency mandatory for its members. Auditing standards and auditing manuals have also provided guidance for auditors to perform their audit in a proper manner using test of controls, analytical procedures and other substantive procedures.

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